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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Facebook to launch "Nearby Friends" feature.....

The GPS (Global positioning system) ,that lets you to know" where on earth you are " .Either its for searching map or tracing yourself ,Your phone always knows where you are. And now, if you want,your Facebook friends will always knows where you are, too.
Though this type of services were launched by few social networking apps but his would be the first time for the social giant "Facebook". Facebook is introducing a mobile feature called Nearby Friends that taps into that steady stream of location information so friends can track each other in real time.
The idea is to make it easy for people to meet up in real life, so they can have conversations in person instead of comment threads, temporarily replacing Likes and LOLs with eye contact and actual laughter.In a refreshing change, the new Nearby Friends feature is not turned on by default.You can also turn off this location history in the Facebook app's settings. It's possible to delete individual locations from a history, or clear the whole thing and start from scratch.

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