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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Hunted 106" a short Nepali movie presented by NewMandu Entertainments.

There's lots of Nepali short movie coming up  these days in you Tube but only very few of them worth's sharing. "Hunted 106" is a new thriller  short Nepali  movie  presented by NewMandu Entertainments.
The story line starts  when  the two Nepali guys got a room booked in a hotel at room no "106". Everything goes normal,as they had usual day, going out for job and returning back home. The twist comes at the movie  when they meet a Nepali guy named "Nirmal" around their hotel. The  character "Nirmal" who's behavior doesn't seems  normal but somehow he manage to meet up them  in their room at 8 pm. But the ending part comes up with more suspense when they find out the guy "Nirmal" was found dead 2 years ago at the same hotel and at same room .
The thrilling part of the movie comes when the "Nirmal" knocks the door just after the two guys reveals the "Nirmal's" story.

To find out what happens next when "Nirmal" Knock the door at Room no "16",
you must watch the movie.


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