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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Nepal listed as top 5 country to send student in japan.

According to the Statistics on International Students in Japan 2012, Nepal has been listed as the top 5 major countries to send student in japan. Even though the statistics shows that the international students in Japan as of May 1, 2012, has gone down by 0.2% down from last year but the Number of the Nepalese student has gone up high by 21.6% .
5 major countries / regions of origin

China 86,324 (1.4% down)
Republic of Korea 16,651 (5.6% down)
Taiwan 4,617 (1.0% up)
Vietnam 4,373 (8.4% up)
Nepal 2,451 (21.6% up)

Note 1: "International student" on the survey done by the JASSO ( Japan Student Services Organization)is defined as a student from a foreign country who is receiving education at any Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, college of technology, professional training college or university preparatory course and who resides in Japan with "College student" visa status.

Note 2: "Short-term international student" on the survey done by the JASSO ( Japan Student Services Organization) is defined as a student from a foreign country who is receiving education in Japan for a period of one year or less. The purpose of a student is not necessarily to obtain a degree but rather to study at Japanese university, to experience a Japanese culture, or to master Japanese language.

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