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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Can chief justice "Regmi", be able to end up with justice??

Chief justice Khil Raj Regmi has been appointed as the chairman of the Interim election government (i.e can be said as the prime minister's post). In fact, he has become the 36th prime minister of Nepal.

Beside the protest of 22 political parties ,including Mohan Baidhya CPN-Maoist,leaders of the major political parties managed to agree on 11-point agreement on Wednesday night to form an election government headed by Chief justice Regmi.President Ram Baran Yadav administered the oath ceremony while the top politician of the 4 major parties witnessed the function.

Nonetheless,Chairman of the Interim Election government Regmi will have no authority to take a decision that will have a long-term impact.As the Regmi regime will have only have the responsibility to organize the constituent assembly election and a day to day administration .

But however, if the regmi fails to hold the election due to any technical or unexpected situation,it would get a second term till December 15,2013.
Will chief justice "Regmi", be able to end up with justice??

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