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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chhurim Sherpa has climbed up Mount Everest twice within a week.

Yup Yup yup, one more Guinness World Record for Nepal. Last week Guinness World Records formally recognized the 29 years old Chhurim sherpa for her achievement. What was her achievement??? Is it that she was the youngest mountaineer to climb mount Everest or is it that she climbed up by herself or without oxygen??? If you are thinking the way I have mentioned, then i must say no,no ,no.

She achieved the Guinness World Record for climbing the Mount Everest twice within a week. I guess, that must be tough. Though it's been almost one year since she completed her double climb but the Guinness World Record formally recognised the 29 year old Chhurim sherpa's achievement last week.
Chhurim Sherpa is the only person to have climbed Everest twice in a week. Congratulation Ms Chhurim sherpa for historic achievement.

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