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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An unusual new band in Japan ....... Abenomix !! And what is Abenomics ????

An unusual band Machikado Keiki,Japan’s début single Abeno Mix (アベノ☆Mix) will be released on May 1. But what's so unusual about this new band ?????

Well ,most of the band sing songs about love ,tragedy,friendship, etc. But the new bad Machikado keiki sing songs about their country's improving economy where the band  creates a type of motivation for country's economy? And It's Abenomics ??

Yes,its Abenomics, a Word which is being popular these days.As the Japan's economy is going high these days ,"Abenomics”,is the name given to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plan for the country’s economic recovery. Interestingly,the band vows that the length of the members’ skirts (will be shorten ) will go up high above the thigh, only when the Nikkei  index will go up high N high.
Lets see how far the new band can go with the improving economy of Japan ???

Friday, April 19, 2013

'Iron Man 3' to become First 4D movie to be shown in Japan....

"Iron Man 3" will be first movie in Japan which will be offered in 4-D. Hm hm wondering what 4D is all about?? 4-D is an effects that make the audience "feel" the effects of the film in addition to viewing them. The 4-D technology comes from South Korean company CJ Group. Theatres featuring the 4D capability can include anything ranging from seat motion and vibration to jets or air and water, mist, strobe lighting, smoke, aromas, and bubbles.
Iron Man 3 will be shown on April 26 in 4D at a theatre in Nagoya, central Japan,

World's oldest man celebrated his birthday with Japan's Prime minister's message....

Japan's prime minister gave the birthday wishes to the Jiroemon Kimura, a centenarian who is able to hold the record for being the World's oldest man ever. Jiroemon kimura was born in 1897. It is estimated that the japan is one of the country to have the highest proportion of the elderly citizen.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nepali New Year "2070".

Now is the time to act, open up this new year and tell that every person you come across even if it is a stranger, to spread love, affection and warmth around them. Make it even more special by telling your beloved that your love for him/her will be like wine, it will get more refined and more precious with time.
praveenhirachan.blogspot.com wishes everyone a very Happy New year 2070.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Wondering about what Facebook phone is all about??

Many of us haven't realised the promotional video on Facebook home page before we login. Either we are too connected or we have forgotten where the logout button is. Yap, Facebook now finally shows what the Facebook Phone is about!! the new video posted by Facebook on the launch day shows how your next phone (i.e.. Facebook Phone )will look like.Replacing the old perspective from "connecting people" to "putting people first and then apps " seems to be the main theme of the Facebook Phone.

Facebook phone is not really a phone and Facebook user really don't have to buy a new phone.Instead, the Facebook phone is an application called Facebook home,which runs in android operating system in which the Facebook home becomes the main way to use a phone as shown in the video. But the Facebook user from apple iPhone have no any signal of getting this application in their apple store. Facebook home is now available in the Google play mobile store as the Mark Zuckerberg posted their video revealing the new Facebook home product.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Always get connected with Tokyo Metro free WiFi service

Have you ever had any problem of slow internet while sitting on a train or having no service on your phone while passing through the subway? If yes, then no more problem of slow internet in your phone because With all those bitter experience of train passenger ,the train service consumer will have no more problem of slow internet where ever they are in the subway station because the Tokyo Metro Co's is conducting free trial WiFi service in their respective subway station.
To stay connected, all you have to do is to download an application called MANTA and fill up some registration form and then you can connect through your smart phone to the free WiFi inside Tokyo metro station. Even though it is a trail version until July 31, people can access the service only five times a day and not more than fifteen minute per use.The MANTA app is jointly launched by Tokyo Metro and NTT Broadband platform Inc. and the application is available for both Google Android handsets and Apple iPhone,iPads.
But,if you are a Softbank mobile user ,you don't have to bother downloading these app as Softbank WiFi is already available to all Softbank user in all metro stations.
Download MANTA

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Facebook new product "Home for your phone"

Mark Zuckerberg finally talks about the Facebook new product "Home". Facebook is releasing their software "home" that puts your social network Facebook feeds on the home screen of Android phones. As said by Mark zuckerberg " putting people first and then apps" seems to be main theme of the Facebook Home. The "Home" runs in android operating system in which the "Home" becomes the main way to use a Phone. The Facebook will no more be like your normal smart phone app because the notification,image ,messages and the chat box will appear on the main screen of the phone . Facebook Home will be available in the Google Play mobile store on April 12 for Android phones. But still there's no details about Facebook home being available for Apple iPhone user.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nepali business tycoon Binod Chaudary's story on ALJazeera.

Nepal first billionaire as mentioned in Forbes magazine rich list explains his success about how he transformed his normal life to a young entrepreneur and then a first billionaire of Nepal. FORBES Billionaire List with a net worth of $1 Billion as of March, 2013 mentioned the Binod Chaudary name in their list. Binod Chaudary is the president of chaudary Group(CG) in Nepal which includes CG entertainment ,CG food and many more business sectors in Nepal .And according to FORBES, he has lots of assets overseas as well.
And here's the documentary filmed on Binod chaudary by ALJazeera

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