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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

China's rotten meat scandal spreads to Japan.....

The recent food scandal in China is spreading fast, dragging in U.S. coffee chain Starbucks, Burger King Worldwide Inc and others, as well as McDonald's products as far away as Japan.

McDonald's Corp and KFC's parent Yum Brands Inc apologized to Chinese customers on Monday after it emerged that Shanghai Husi Food Co Ltd, a unit of U.S.-based OSI Group LLC, had supplied expired meat to the two chains.

In Tokyo, McDonald’s Holdings Japan said Tuesday it gets 20 percent of the chicken it uses for Chicken Mc Nuggets from Shanghai Husi but stopped selling nuggets made with meat purchased from the Chinese firm on Monday.
McDonald’s Japan apologized to its customers and said it has switched to another chicken meat supplier.The scandal went viral when a TV report showed staff using expired meat and picking up meat from the floor to add to the mix.
Heidi Barker, a U.S. spokeswoman for McDonald’s, said in an email that Mc Nuggets were the only product affected in Japan.

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