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Saturday, November 30, 2013

कसरी प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर बनाउने (how to make a programmable speaker)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई | आज म अर्डिनो प्रयोग गारी स्पीकर मा कसरी साउंड रखना सक्छौ भन्ने कुरा यहाँ लिएर आएको छु|सर्वप्रथम  आज प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर  मा चाहिने सामग्री को बारेमा लेखनेछौ |

 १अर्डिनो x १(Arduino)
 २.रेसिस्टर ( 4 x  10 k ohm resistor 1 x 1k ohm  resistor )
 3.वायरिंग केबल (wiring cable)
४.ट्रांजिस्टर १ x  १ (Transistor)
५.PBS स्विच बटन 1x3

र साथीहरु आज मैले यो प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर को डिस्क्रिप्शन लेखनु पर्छा जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन किनभने यस पटक मैले विडियोमा  स्टेप बई स्टेप भन्नाउने प्रक्रिया खिचेको छू
तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर को डिज़ाइन हो |

Thursday, November 28, 2013

This is how Japan 2020 Olympic stadium would look like..

Japan shrinks 2020 Olympic stadium by 25 percent smaller than initially planned.As the criticism aroused against the size and the budget of the stadium,the Japan Sport Council (JSC), which is in charge of running the current and future stadium,decided to  scale back the floor space by one-quarter to 220,000 square meters which  would eventually  cut the construction costs to about$1.8 billion from $300 billion .....
This is how Japan  2020 Olympic stadium would look like.
( Sophisticated stadium,capable of holding 80,000 people,a retractable roof and movable seats to adjust the configuration for different sporting events.)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Best wishes to Nepali cricket team.

It's one more step for Nepali cricket team and this time,Nepali cricket team is about to grab their dream,dream to play in twenty 20 world cup.Nepal is going to face  Hong kong today in the ICC World Twenty 20 Qualifiers at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi, UAE. To secure the place in world cup, Hong Kong stands in between the Nepali cricket team and their dream.
Its time for we Nepali to be united and pray for our national team. If Nepal wins the match, it will qualify for the T20 World Cup to be held in Bangladesh next year. 
So don't forget to watch the match.
Best wishes to Nepali cricket team.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Japanese animation, made by my college teacher...

As being a foreign student here in Japan, I feel like I am very fortunate to be a part of Yokohama system engineering college as I get  lots of good opportunity to study new things. Last 8 months I have been  studying about mobile game development but since I need good character design and  images for my game ,recently I am  attending 3ds Max class.And the best part of attending the designing class was that the teacher and student goes hand to hand to ensure that nobody is left behind. But, today I am not going to talk 
about my class.
I am here to show you and to share you the Japanese animation made by my designing class teacher.
If you are not being able to watch from your mobile device,please click the link below

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Japan set a Guinness world record for the largest gathering of mascot...

Mascot is a term defined for any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck that includes anything used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as a school, professional sports team, society or a brand name.:For instance:- In the world of sports, mascots are also used for merchandising. But,Yuru chara (a mascot to introduce the prefecture, city, place or event.) on Saturday,Japan set a Guinness world record for the largest gathering of mascot characters when 376 of them gathered at a park in Hanyu, Saitama Prefecture.Mascot from different part of the country and abroad gathered at a park in Hanyu to set the Guinness world record.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Programmable LED in Nepali (प्रोग्रामेबल Light नेपाली भाषा मा ..)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई| आज म यल इ दी (LED (Light emitting diodes)) को नया प्रोग्रामिंग डिज़ाइन लिएर आको छू |मैले यो यल इ दी  डिज़ाइन वेंडिंग मशीन अर्थात Vending machine माँ राखिने बत्ती को कल्पना गारी बनाएको हो |सर्वप्रथम यो  यल इ दी डिज़ाइन  मा चाहिने सामग्री को बारेमा लेखनेछौ |

 १. यल इ दी(LED) 1x8
 २सिरेमिक रेसोनतोर Ceramic Resonators सरलॉक 1x1
 3.वायरिंग केबल (wiring cable)
४..रेसिस्टर ( 8 x  240 ohm resistor 2 x 4.7 K ohm  resistor )
५.PBS स्विच बटन 1x2
६ PIC माइक्रो कंट्रोलोर 1x1

सर्वप्रथम मैले यहाँ दाया भाग मा मैले बनाएको यल इ दी डिज़ाइन  को फोटो देखाएको छु |मैले यहाँ देखाएको जसरीनै  यल ई दी को लेआउट तयार गर्नुहोस र बाँया बगमा देखाएको जसरीनै यल ई दी को भित्री भागःवायरिंग केबल ले जोड्नुहोस् |

बिसेस्त मैले यो लेआउट भाग तैयारी सकिएपछि PIC माइक्रो कंट्रोलोरमा प्रोग्राम राखेको हूँ | तपाई हरुले ले रोजे अनुसार को सॉफ्टवेयर बाटप्रोग्राम माइक्रो कंट्रोलोर मा रक्खन सक्नुहुनेछ |
 तर मेरो सन्दर्भ  मा भन्नु पर्दा मैले MPLAB भन्ने सॉफ्टवेयर बाट प्रोग्राम राखेको छू |
तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको यल इ दी डिज़ाइन को हो|

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Paragliding at Tokyo..

If you are around Tokyo, Sainokuni Yumitate area is a popular destination for adventure sports. Most thrilling yet exciting sports.It's about 90 minute away from Tokyo by car or 15 minutes from Ogose Station of Tobu Ogose Line/JR Hachiko . Sainokuni Paragliding School Yumitate is the institute where the lesson for the flight and practice for the flight is held. As from my own experience ,at early in the morning they gave us some lecture about the paragliding and the safety measures. Probably around 9-12 am and had some practice lesson.At mid 12 -1 pm lunch program was conducted for all the customers.And depending on direction of wind and weathers,they decides whether to take off or not.As per my experience, I had one of the most unforgettable moment in Sainokuni Yumitate area. They charge around JY 3,000/day for visitor and  around JY 11,000/day for flight course customer.
In my view, I think, paragliding is all about challenging your fear and in my case,
 it"s a "once in a lifetime,moment".

Here's the map to Sainokuni Yumitate Area

View Larger Map

Monday, November 18, 2013

Constituent Assembly election of Nepal 19 November 2013

The Constituent Assembly election is going to be held,today in Nepal (19 November 2013). The election has  already been repeatedly delayed as it was previously planned to be held on 22 November 2012, following the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly on 27 May 2012,it was put off by the election commission. The election was eventually set for 19 November 2013 and today is the day, where all Nepalese people are eagerly waiting to choose their next leader.Lets see how fare the Election goes...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Led cube in Nepali (यल इ दी क्यूब नेपाली भाषा मा ..)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई | आज म यल इ दी क्यूब(LED (Light emitting diodes) cube ) ४*४*४ बनाउने प्रक्रिया बताउनेछु |सर्वप्रथम यल इ दी क्यूब मा चाहिने सामग्री को बारेमा लेखनेछौ |
 १. यल इ दी(LED) *६४
 २.मिक्रोकंट्रोलोर चिप(Micro controller) x २
 3.वायरिंग केबल (wiring cable)
४.कपसिटर्स x २(Capacitors)
५.अर्डिनो x १(Arduino)
६.रेसिस्टर ( 20 x  100 ohm resistor 1 x 1 ohm  resistor )
 ७.ट्रांजिस्टर १ x ४(Transistor)

सर्वप्रथम मैले यहाँ दाया भाग मा यल इ दी को फोटो देखाएको छु |
 यो यल इ दी को एनोड(Anode) (+) भागलाई बंगाउनुहोस् र तेसाईगरी सबै बंगाइएका यल इ दी को एनोड भगलाई ४ वटा को दर ले जोड्दै जानुहोस|
 तल बायाँ तर्फा देखाइएको फोटो जसरीनै गर्नुहोस | सबै जोडिएका यल इ दी लाई ४*४*४ को रेश्यो ले फोटो मा देखाइएको जसरी क्यूब को आकार दिनिहोस |

अब,यल इ दी बनाउने बोर्ड मा रेसिस्टर ,टाँसिस्टर ,कपसिटर्स र मिक्रोकंट्रोलोर लाई तल दिएको चित्र को आदर मा वायरिंग केबल ले जोड्नुहोस् | अन्तिममा अर्डिनो लाई बोर्ड मा राखी ,अर्डिनो सॉफ्टवेयर इंटरनेट बाटा डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस र तपाईंहरूले चाहे अनुसार को प्रोग्राम टाइप गारी यल इ दी क्यूब को डिज़ाइन गर्नसक्नु हुनेछ|

समग्र मा भन्नु पर्दा,दाया भागमा  राखिएको फोटो चाही स्टेप १,२,३,४
क्रमस इ दी क्यूब बनाउने प्रक्रिया हो |

 तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको यल इ दी क्यूब को हो|

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

मेरो देश हजमोला बनाउछ, अनि जे आउछ मज्जाले पचाउछ

Its been a long time that i have not listened to good poems. And even if I have listened  Nepali poems in youtube but there's very few of them which worths sharing. मेरो देश हजमोला बनाउछ, अनि जे आउछ मज्जाले पचाउछ -Mero desh hajmola banauchha ani j aauncha majale pachauncha..Simple yet very effective poem .

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