Welcome  everyone Namaste My blog praveen hirachan Nepal Japan

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

In 2014,

I wish everyone to get
12 Month of Happiness,
52 Weeks of Fun,
365 Days Success,
8760 Hours Good Health,
52600 Minutes Good Luck,
3153600 Seconds of Joy...

May you guys have  wonderful new year.
Happy New Year

Monday, December 30, 2013

Japanese year of horse,2014

"Nengajo" are postcards that are sent to relatives, friends, co-workers, teachers, bosses and many others  during New Years in Japan. The postcards usually have a picture of the coming year's  Zodiac animal. In japan,everyone sends New Year cards at the end of December and they are all received in one bundle on january 1st . And if you are wondering ,let me tell you that 2014 is the year of HORSE in japan.Many Japanese people loves to make their own postcard design,and I thought to make my design for this year post card and these are  my japanese postcard design for new year 2014.

New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for u.Have a promising and fulfilling new year
praveenhirachan.blogspot.com wishes everyone to have a happiest new year.
Once again,Happy new year.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Christmas again !

It's Christmas again ! 
Lets make this Christmas  filled with love and friendship. Christmas also means spreading the warmth of our heart into the lives of others and bringing in joy and cheers. 
So this Christmas, 
let's share this message  to show how much you cherish the presence of your loved ones in your life. 
Wishing you a Merry Christmas from

Monday, December 16, 2013

First trailer of Godzilla remake

The monster has appeared once again. Godzilla,the 1954 Japanese science fiction kaiju film  produced by Toho ,directed by Ishiro Honda and featuring  special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya. And later was remake by  American imagination of  classic Monster featuring baby Godzilla . But,however this time we had a new remake of Godzilla,with much more darker effect in it's first trailer.
Take a look at the trailer which was posted on YouTube.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do not miss to visit Osaka castle between 14th December 2013 to 16th February.

visitor to Osaka castle will be able to witness something unusual from 14th December 2013 to 16th February, as the castle will be the main attraction of this light festival.A high tech illumination,3D projection mapping will be screened on the tower of Osaka castle.This technique will transform the castle in a canvas for series of colorful images.

Osaka Castle Nishinomaru garden
14th DEC,2013-16th February 2014

5:30 pm - 10:30 pm(Special day 11:00 pm)
Last entry 10:00 pm
Adult 1,600 yen. Child(4 years old / elementary school) 950 yen
Special day: Adult 2,000 yen Child 1,200 yen

This is how the Castle look like when it holds the 3D mapping projection technique


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Hunted 106" a short Nepali movie presented by NewMandu Entertainments.

There's lots of Nepali short movie coming up  these days in you Tube but only very few of them worth's sharing. "Hunted 106" is a new thriller  short Nepali  movie  presented by NewMandu Entertainments.
The story line starts  when  the two Nepali guys got a room booked in a hotel at room no "106". Everything goes normal,as they had usual day, going out for job and returning back home. The twist comes at the movie  when they meet a Nepali guy named "Nirmal" around their hotel. The  character "Nirmal" who's behavior doesn't seems  normal but somehow he manage to meet up them  in their room at 8 pm. But the ending part comes up with more suspense when they find out the guy "Nirmal" was found dead 2 years ago at the same hotel and at same room .
The thrilling part of the movie comes when the "Nirmal" knocks the door just after the two guys reveals the "Nirmal's" story.

To find out what happens next when "Nirmal" Knock the door at Room no "16",
you must watch the movie.

Life in japan- A short documentary

Today as I was going through my YouTube account,suddenly I found a short documentary about "life in Japan".And I thought it worth sharing.
Have you ever wonder how life in Japan might be? This documentary is about life in Japan where 19 foreigners shares their  personal experience and shows their perspective about Japanese tradition and their culture.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

App that tracks your digital life to create beautiful story of your life.

Now a days, people can't eat a meal without sharing it on the Internet.keeping these things in mind there's lots of social networking sites or app but there's one app, a new iOS app called Heyday has came up with new idea to share or journal your personal stuff publicly or privately.
Hey Day, a free iPhone app, creates a daily timeline based on photos found on the device that are added to a timeline. It also logs venues using the phone’s GPS system. Personal notes can be added to the timeline manually. “It’s this idea of being able to know exactly what you did on every single day of your life.It goes through your past photos and automatically logs your location data to create a personalized journal It's similar to  Facebook Timeline, except that everything is private by default.
The iOS app is featured in the App Store scroll and No. 1 under Apple’s rotating list of “Best New Apps.” the app lets the user share the photo collages via social media, email, or SMS, it’s not required. You could keep Heyday as your own personal journal too.
In my personal view,Heyday  keeps the past journal of your life and changes into a calender section where the photos are shown with the date,time and location. Overall it's  a digital friend who tracks your past moment and always there to record your future moment.
have you download your digital friend?
Download Heyday

Monday, December 9, 2013

Gun festival held at shrine in Saitama near Tokyo.

Teppo Matsuri (Gun Festival)  was held  on Sunday at Iida Hachiman Shrine, Ogano-machi, Saitama Prefecture near Tokyo.The highlight of this festival is Otachi Shinji in which two sacred horses gallop up the steps to the Shrine, Hunters firing blank shot to drive two scared horses up the stairs to the shrine . Its an annual spectacular  fire arm festival near Tokyo.

About 40 hunters fired blank shots along to approach to Iida Hachiman Shrine Ogano-machi, Saitama Prefecture near Tokyo.People encouraged the horses to climb and  run through  50 meters up to the shrine without stopping. It is believed a promising sign for safe hunting and a good harvest.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Simple Led switch button in Nepali (सिम्पल यल ई दी स्विच बटन)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई  | आज मैले सिम्पल यल ई दी स्विच बटन प्रोग्राम लिएर आएको छू| सर्वप्रथम यो सिम्पल यल ई दी स्विच बटन प्रोग्राममा लगने सामग्री को बारे मा भन्नेछौ|

१. माइक्रो  कंट्रोलर x १
२.पि बी यस स्विच बटन x 
३.३०० ohm  x  रेसिस्टर  ,१० ohm  x  रेसिस्टर 
४.यल ई दी  x 
५.सेरोलॉक x १

मैले मेरो ब्लॉग मा यो मा चाहिने सामग्री लेखिसके पछि तपाईहरु सहज रुपमा यो सामग्री जोड़न को लागि मैले सधै एस्को चित्र राख्दै आएको छू |
माथिल्लो फ़ोटो मा देखाइएको जसरी यसको बाहिरी भाग भनौनु होस | र भित्री भाग चाही दाया भाग मा देखाई को जसरी, माथिल्लो भाग मा लेखिएको सामग्री हरु लाई जोड्नु होस| मैले मेरो कुनै पनि ब्लॉग मा code शेयर गरेको  छैन तर तपाईहरु लाई प्रोग्राम चाहीएको  खंडमा मलाई मेल गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ| 

तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको  सिम्पल यल ई दी स्विच बटन प्रोग्राम को हो| 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Programmable Led and speaker combination in Nepali ( यल ई दी र स्पीकर को कॉम्बिनेशन)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई  | आज मैले यल ई दी र स्पीकर को कॉम्बिनेशन बाट कसरी साउंड र लाइट बाल्ने भन्ने प्रोग्राम लिएर आएको छू| यस्तो कॉम्बिनेशन बिशेष गारी ऑटोमेटेड पार्किंग लोट, एम्बुलेंस र अरु थुप्रै मैकेनिकल डिवाइस हरु मा प्रयोग गरिन्छ |
सर्वप्रथम यो यल ई दी र स्पीकर को कॉम्बिनेशन मा लगने सामग्री को बारे मा भन्नेछौ|

१.स्पीकर (बुज़र )
२.५.६ x २  रेसिस्टर  ,३ x १ रेसिस्टर 
३. पि बी यस स्विच बटन x ३
४.यल ई दी  x १
५.यस यस आर x १
६.ट्रांजिस्टर x १
७.सेरोलॉक x १
८. माइक्रो  कंट्रोलर x १

माथिल्लो फ़ोटो मा देखाइएको जसरी यसको बाहिरी भाग भनौनु होस | र भित्री भाग चाही दाया भाग मा देखाई को जसरी, माथिल्लो भाग मा लेखिएको सामग्री हरु लाई जोड्नु होस| र मैले मेरो कुनै पनि ब्लॉग मा code शेयर गरेको  छैन तर तपाईहरु लाई प्रोग्राम चाहीएको  खंडमा मलाई मेल गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ| र मैले अगि भन्ने को जस्तै यो प्रोग्रम्म  ऑटोमेटेड पार्किंग लोट, एम्बुलेंस र अरु थुप्रै मैकेनिकल डिवाइस हरु मा प्रयोग गरिन्छ |

 तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले भनिएको प्रोग्राम को हो| 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Washoku on cultural heritage status.

“Washoku” traditional Japanese cuisine has been added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list.Washoku literally means the traditional meal of Japan.The traditional food of Japan is based on rice with miso soup and other dishes, each in its own utensil, with an emphasis on seasonal ingredients. The side dishes often consist of fish, pickled vegetables, and vegetables cooked in broth. Fish is common in the traditional cuisine. It is often grilled, but it may also be served raw as sashimi or in sushi. Seafood and vegetables are also deep-fried in a light batter as tempura.Washoku became the 22nd Japanese asset to be listed on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
Someday,if you are around the Japanese restaurant,don't forget to taste the sushi.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

कसरी प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर बनाउने (how to make a programmable speaker)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई | आज म अर्डिनो प्रयोग गारी स्पीकर मा कसरी साउंड रखना सक्छौ भन्ने कुरा यहाँ लिएर आएको छु|सर्वप्रथम  आज प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर  मा चाहिने सामग्री को बारेमा लेखनेछौ |

 १अर्डिनो x १(Arduino)
 २.रेसिस्टर ( 4 x  10 k ohm resistor 1 x 1k ohm  resistor )
 3.वायरिंग केबल (wiring cable)
४.ट्रांजिस्टर १ x  १ (Transistor)
५.PBS स्विच बटन 1x3

र साथीहरु आज मैले यो प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर को डिस्क्रिप्शन लेखनु पर्छा जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन किनभने यस पटक मैले विडियोमा  स्टेप बई स्टेप भन्नाउने प्रक्रिया खिचेको छू
तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको प्रोग्रामेबल स्पीकर को डिज़ाइन हो |

Thursday, November 28, 2013

This is how Japan 2020 Olympic stadium would look like..

Japan shrinks 2020 Olympic stadium by 25 percent smaller than initially planned.As the criticism aroused against the size and the budget of the stadium,the Japan Sport Council (JSC), which is in charge of running the current and future stadium,decided to  scale back the floor space by one-quarter to 220,000 square meters which  would eventually  cut the construction costs to about$1.8 billion from $300 billion .....
This is how Japan  2020 Olympic stadium would look like.
( Sophisticated stadium,capable of holding 80,000 people,a retractable roof and movable seats to adjust the configuration for different sporting events.)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Best wishes to Nepali cricket team.

It's one more step for Nepali cricket team and this time,Nepali cricket team is about to grab their dream,dream to play in twenty 20 world cup.Nepal is going to face  Hong kong today in the ICC World Twenty 20 Qualifiers at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi, UAE. To secure the place in world cup, Hong Kong stands in between the Nepali cricket team and their dream.
Its time for we Nepali to be united and pray for our national team. If Nepal wins the match, it will qualify for the T20 World Cup to be held in Bangladesh next year. 
So don't forget to watch the match.
Best wishes to Nepali cricket team.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Japanese animation, made by my college teacher...

As being a foreign student here in Japan, I feel like I am very fortunate to be a part of Yokohama system engineering college as I get  lots of good opportunity to study new things. Last 8 months I have been  studying about mobile game development but since I need good character design and  images for my game ,recently I am  attending 3ds Max class.And the best part of attending the designing class was that the teacher and student goes hand to hand to ensure that nobody is left behind. But, today I am not going to talk 
about my class.
I am here to show you and to share you the Japanese animation made by my designing class teacher.
If you are not being able to watch from your mobile device,please click the link below

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Japan set a Guinness world record for the largest gathering of mascot...

Mascot is a term defined for any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck that includes anything used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as a school, professional sports team, society or a brand name.:For instance:- In the world of sports, mascots are also used for merchandising. But,Yuru chara (a mascot to introduce the prefecture, city, place or event.) on Saturday,Japan set a Guinness world record for the largest gathering of mascot characters when 376 of them gathered at a park in Hanyu, Saitama Prefecture.Mascot from different part of the country and abroad gathered at a park in Hanyu to set the Guinness world record.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Programmable LED in Nepali (प्रोग्रामेबल Light नेपाली भाषा मा ..)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई| आज म यल इ दी (LED (Light emitting diodes)) को नया प्रोग्रामिंग डिज़ाइन लिएर आको छू |मैले यो यल इ दी  डिज़ाइन वेंडिंग मशीन अर्थात Vending machine माँ राखिने बत्ती को कल्पना गारी बनाएको हो |सर्वप्रथम यो  यल इ दी डिज़ाइन  मा चाहिने सामग्री को बारेमा लेखनेछौ |

 १. यल इ दी(LED) 1x8
 २सिरेमिक रेसोनतोर Ceramic Resonators सरलॉक 1x1
 3.वायरिंग केबल (wiring cable)
४..रेसिस्टर ( 8 x  240 ohm resistor 2 x 4.7 K ohm  resistor )
५.PBS स्विच बटन 1x2
६ PIC माइक्रो कंट्रोलोर 1x1

सर्वप्रथम मैले यहाँ दाया भाग मा मैले बनाएको यल इ दी डिज़ाइन  को फोटो देखाएको छु |मैले यहाँ देखाएको जसरीनै  यल ई दी को लेआउट तयार गर्नुहोस र बाँया बगमा देखाएको जसरीनै यल ई दी को भित्री भागःवायरिंग केबल ले जोड्नुहोस् |

बिसेस्त मैले यो लेआउट भाग तैयारी सकिएपछि PIC माइक्रो कंट्रोलोरमा प्रोग्राम राखेको हूँ | तपाई हरुले ले रोजे अनुसार को सॉफ्टवेयर बाटप्रोग्राम माइक्रो कंट्रोलोर मा रक्खन सक्नुहुनेछ |
 तर मेरो सन्दर्भ  मा भन्नु पर्दा मैले MPLAB भन्ने सॉफ्टवेयर बाट प्रोग्राम राखेको छू |
तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको यल इ दी डिज़ाइन को हो|

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Paragliding at Tokyo..

If you are around Tokyo, Sainokuni Yumitate area is a popular destination for adventure sports. Most thrilling yet exciting sports.It's about 90 minute away from Tokyo by car or 15 minutes from Ogose Station of Tobu Ogose Line/JR Hachiko . Sainokuni Paragliding School Yumitate is the institute where the lesson for the flight and practice for the flight is held. As from my own experience ,at early in the morning they gave us some lecture about the paragliding and the safety measures. Probably around 9-12 am and had some practice lesson.At mid 12 -1 pm lunch program was conducted for all the customers.And depending on direction of wind and weathers,they decides whether to take off or not.As per my experience, I had one of the most unforgettable moment in Sainokuni Yumitate area. They charge around JY 3,000/day for visitor and  around JY 11,000/day for flight course customer.
In my view, I think, paragliding is all about challenging your fear and in my case,
 it"s a "once in a lifetime,moment".

Here's the map to Sainokuni Yumitate Area

View Larger Map

Monday, November 18, 2013

Constituent Assembly election of Nepal 19 November 2013

The Constituent Assembly election is going to be held,today in Nepal (19 November 2013). The election has  already been repeatedly delayed as it was previously planned to be held on 22 November 2012, following the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly on 27 May 2012,it was put off by the election commission. The election was eventually set for 19 November 2013 and today is the day, where all Nepalese people are eagerly waiting to choose their next leader.Lets see how fare the Election goes...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Led cube in Nepali (यल इ दी क्यूब नेपाली भाषा मा ..)

नमस्ते मेरो ब्लॉग हर्रिराखनु भएका सबै जानालाई | आज म यल इ दी क्यूब(LED (Light emitting diodes) cube ) ४*४*४ बनाउने प्रक्रिया बताउनेछु |सर्वप्रथम यल इ दी क्यूब मा चाहिने सामग्री को बारेमा लेखनेछौ |
 १. यल इ दी(LED) *६४
 २.मिक्रोकंट्रोलोर चिप(Micro controller) x २
 3.वायरिंग केबल (wiring cable)
४.कपसिटर्स x २(Capacitors)
५.अर्डिनो x १(Arduino)
६.रेसिस्टर ( 20 x  100 ohm resistor 1 x 1 ohm  resistor )
 ७.ट्रांजिस्टर १ x ४(Transistor)

सर्वप्रथम मैले यहाँ दाया भाग मा यल इ दी को फोटो देखाएको छु |
 यो यल इ दी को एनोड(Anode) (+) भागलाई बंगाउनुहोस् र तेसाईगरी सबै बंगाइएका यल इ दी को एनोड भगलाई ४ वटा को दर ले जोड्दै जानुहोस|
 तल बायाँ तर्फा देखाइएको फोटो जसरीनै गर्नुहोस | सबै जोडिएका यल इ दी लाई ४*४*४ को रेश्यो ले फोटो मा देखाइएको जसरी क्यूब को आकार दिनिहोस |

अब,यल इ दी बनाउने बोर्ड मा रेसिस्टर ,टाँसिस्टर ,कपसिटर्स र मिक्रोकंट्रोलोर लाई तल दिएको चित्र को आदर मा वायरिंग केबल ले जोड्नुहोस् | अन्तिममा अर्डिनो लाई बोर्ड मा राखी ,अर्डिनो सॉफ्टवेयर इंटरनेट बाटा डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस र तपाईंहरूले चाहे अनुसार को प्रोग्राम टाइप गारी यल इ दी क्यूब को डिज़ाइन गर्नसक्नु हुनेछ|

समग्र मा भन्नु पर्दा,दाया भागमा  राखिएको फोटो चाही स्टेप १,२,३,४
क्रमस इ दी क्यूब बनाउने प्रक्रिया हो |

 तल राखिएको विडियो चाही मैले बनाएको यल इ दी क्यूब को हो|

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

मेरो देश हजमोला बनाउछ, अनि जे आउछ मज्जाले पचाउछ

Its been a long time that i have not listened to good poems. And even if I have listened  Nepali poems in youtube but there's very few of them which worths sharing. मेरो देश हजमोला बनाउछ, अनि जे आउछ मज्जाले पचाउछ -Mero desh hajmola banauchha ani j aauncha majale pachauncha..Simple yet very effective poem .

Monday, August 5, 2013

Most expensive shirt in the world !!!

Datta Phuge,an Indian man has bought one of the world's most expensive shirts.Mr. Phuge's shirt is made with more than 3kg of gold and the shirt value is estimated about $250,000 ,making the shirt as the world's most expensive shirt. With all these Passion of gold, Datta Phuge is now named as "the gold man".

Phuge explains that,"Some people ask me why I'm wearing so much gold but it was my dream. People have different aspirations. Some elite people want to own an Audi or Mercedes, and have big cars. I chose gold."
Where will he be wearing the world's most expensive shirt ?Would Wearing the world's most expensive shirt make him feel some kind of insecurity ???

He explains that the shirt only gets an outing on special occasions, like parties and important functions.

About the safety measure and to ensure the shirt is in his back, Phuge has a security guard (about 40 people ) with him wherever he travels. And he further added that he would be always with his family members wherever he go .

Its not just wearing the gold shirt but Phuge is also aware of the fact that the gold's value as an investment.
"If any day , I need cash , I can sell the shirt and have the money," he says.
People may think that Datta Phuge is showing off or trying to make himself as a attraction point but for me , he has well spent his money , I guess it's an investment.
One fact: "India is the world's largest consumers of gold."

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nepal unites... परिवर्तन को लागि हामी नेपाली एक हुन्नु पर्छ ..

As  I was going through my you tube channel , I found an interesting video which inspired me and deep inside my heart I  feel like,it will also inspire you. परिवर्तन को लागि हामी नेपाली एक हुन्नु पर्छ (pariwartan ko lagi hami nepali ek hunnu parcha). To make changes, we Nepali should unite.
 Probably the video is based as per the slogan. While watching the video, at some moment you may feel the video is more philosophical, but the explanation in the video is acceptable. And I feel like, nothing is impossible if and only if we Nepali unites.

 परिवर्तन को लागि हामी नेपाली एक हुन्नु पर्छ ..

Friday, May 17, 2013

From your cell phone to theater "Angry bird"

Angry Birds,one of the best selling app is set to take off their flight from your cell phone to the theater . Angry has been praised for its successful combination of addictive gameplay, comical style, and low price. Due to its popularity, now we are almost near to watch the angry bird from small hand set screen to big multiplex screen .

Just few days before,Sony Pictures Entertainment announced that it won the distribution rights to an "Angry Birds" animated film, which is planned to release by 2016. The mobile gaming company,Rovio Entertainment will produce and finance the movie .Sony Pictures Entertainment beat several major studios to win exclusive worldwide distribution rights to the 3D movie,

Angry Birds,which started in 2009 as a mobile game, is one of the biggest selling and best download game .

Thursday, May 16, 2013

David Beckham to retire

David Beckham to retire from football at the end of this season.Today, when I wake up and saw the Facebook post,I was surprised to see the post of the former England captain David Beckham.The 38 year old Beckham is going to end his long 20 years journey of football as a player.And this is what surprised me this morning.
(Beckham's post) I'm thankful to PSG for giving me the opportunity to continue but I feel now is the right time to finish my career, playing at the highest level. If you had told me as a young boy I would have played for and won trophies with my boyhood club Manchester United, proudly captained and played for my country over one hundred times and lined up for some of the biggest clubs in the world, I would have told you it was a fantasy. I'm fortunate to have realised those dreams.
To this day, one of my proudest achievements is captaining my country. I knew every time I wore the Three Lions shirt, I was not only following in a long line of great players, I was also representing every fan that cared passionately about their country. I'm honoured to represent England both on and off the pitch.
I wouldn't have achieved what I have done today without my family. I'm grateful for my parents' sacrifice, which made me realise my dreams. I owe everything to Victoria and the kids, who have given me the inspiration and support to play at the highest level for such a long period. I also want to thank Simon Fuller and his team for their continued support. I want to thank all my team-mates, the great managers that I had the pleasure of learning from. I also want to thank the fans who have all supported me and given me the strength to succeed.
Nothing will ever completely replace playing the game I love, however I feel like I'm starting a new adventure and I'm genuinely excited about what lies ahead. I'm fortunate to have been given many opportunities throughout my career and now I feel it's my time to give back.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Win $10,000 from App store on it's 50 billion download.

Apple to give $10,000 to its lucky winner.As of today, nearly 50 billion apps have been downloaded worldwide.So,this is a chance for Apple users to win exciting prizes as the Apple motivates its user to download their 50 billionth app, and win a US$10,000 App Store Gift Card. Or users can even download one of the first 50 apps after that, and the users  could win a US $500 App Store Gift Card.The game is simple.Just fill up the information and submit it to the app store or you could just download the app.
To participate in the lucky draw,just fill up the form by clicking on the link below.
50 Billion Apps Countdown

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An unusual new band in Japan ....... Abenomix !! And what is Abenomics ????

An unusual band Machikado Keiki,Japan’s début single Abeno Mix (アベノ☆Mix) will be released on May 1. But what's so unusual about this new band ?????

Well ,most of the band sing songs about love ,tragedy,friendship, etc. But the new bad Machikado keiki sing songs about their country's improving economy where the band  creates a type of motivation for country's economy? And It's Abenomics ??

Yes,its Abenomics, a Word which is being popular these days.As the Japan's economy is going high these days ,"Abenomics”,is the name given to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plan for the country’s economic recovery. Interestingly,the band vows that the length of the members’ skirts (will be shorten ) will go up high above the thigh, only when the Nikkei  index will go up high N high.
Lets see how far the new band can go with the improving economy of Japan ???

Friday, April 19, 2013

'Iron Man 3' to become First 4D movie to be shown in Japan....

"Iron Man 3" will be first movie in Japan which will be offered in 4-D. Hm hm wondering what 4D is all about?? 4-D is an effects that make the audience "feel" the effects of the film in addition to viewing them. The 4-D technology comes from South Korean company CJ Group. Theatres featuring the 4D capability can include anything ranging from seat motion and vibration to jets or air and water, mist, strobe lighting, smoke, aromas, and bubbles.
Iron Man 3 will be shown on April 26 in 4D at a theatre in Nagoya, central Japan,

World's oldest man celebrated his birthday with Japan's Prime minister's message....

Japan's prime minister gave the birthday wishes to the Jiroemon Kimura, a centenarian who is able to hold the record for being the World's oldest man ever. Jiroemon kimura was born in 1897. It is estimated that the japan is one of the country to have the highest proportion of the elderly citizen.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nepali New Year "2070".

Now is the time to act, open up this new year and tell that every person you come across even if it is a stranger, to spread love, affection and warmth around them. Make it even more special by telling your beloved that your love for him/her will be like wine, it will get more refined and more precious with time.
praveenhirachan.blogspot.com wishes everyone a very Happy New year 2070.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Wondering about what Facebook phone is all about??

Many of us haven't realised the promotional video on Facebook home page before we login. Either we are too connected or we have forgotten where the logout button is. Yap, Facebook now finally shows what the Facebook Phone is about!! the new video posted by Facebook on the launch day shows how your next phone (i.e.. Facebook Phone )will look like.Replacing the old perspective from "connecting people" to "putting people first and then apps " seems to be the main theme of the Facebook Phone.

Facebook phone is not really a phone and Facebook user really don't have to buy a new phone.Instead, the Facebook phone is an application called Facebook home,which runs in android operating system in which the Facebook home becomes the main way to use a phone as shown in the video. But the Facebook user from apple iPhone have no any signal of getting this application in their apple store. Facebook home is now available in the Google play mobile store as the Mark Zuckerberg posted their video revealing the new Facebook home product.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Always get connected with Tokyo Metro free WiFi service

Have you ever had any problem of slow internet while sitting on a train or having no service on your phone while passing through the subway? If yes, then no more problem of slow internet in your phone because With all those bitter experience of train passenger ,the train service consumer will have no more problem of slow internet where ever they are in the subway station because the Tokyo Metro Co's is conducting free trial WiFi service in their respective subway station.
To stay connected, all you have to do is to download an application called MANTA and fill up some registration form and then you can connect through your smart phone to the free WiFi inside Tokyo metro station. Even though it is a trail version until July 31, people can access the service only five times a day and not more than fifteen minute per use.The MANTA app is jointly launched by Tokyo Metro and NTT Broadband platform Inc. and the application is available for both Google Android handsets and Apple iPhone,iPads.
But,if you are a Softbank mobile user ,you don't have to bother downloading these app as Softbank WiFi is already available to all Softbank user in all metro stations.
Download MANTA

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Facebook new product "Home for your phone"

Mark Zuckerberg finally talks about the Facebook new product "Home". Facebook is releasing their software "home" that puts your social network Facebook feeds on the home screen of Android phones. As said by Mark zuckerberg " putting people first and then apps" seems to be main theme of the Facebook Home. The "Home" runs in android operating system in which the "Home" becomes the main way to use a Phone. The Facebook will no more be like your normal smart phone app because the notification,image ,messages and the chat box will appear on the main screen of the phone . Facebook Home will be available in the Google Play mobile store on April 12 for Android phones. But still there's no details about Facebook home being available for Apple iPhone user.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nepali business tycoon Binod Chaudary's story on ALJazeera.

Nepal first billionaire as mentioned in Forbes magazine rich list explains his success about how he transformed his normal life to a young entrepreneur and then a first billionaire of Nepal. FORBES Billionaire List with a net worth of $1 Billion as of March, 2013 mentioned the Binod Chaudary name in their list. Binod Chaudary is the president of chaudary Group(CG) in Nepal which includes CG entertainment ,CG food and many more business sectors in Nepal .And according to FORBES, he has lots of assets overseas as well.
And here's the documentary filmed on Binod chaudary by ALJazeera

Sunday, March 24, 2013

We thakali........ Toranla special

Toranla , One of the great festival of Thakali community. The festival Toranla is observed for seven days but whereas rituals last for only three days. As from my own experience and being a Thakali , it is always celebrated one day before the Fagu Purnima (i.e before holi) . Fagu purnima is also considered to be the holiest day.
Worshipping the dead souls is the major part of the festival however archery, singing song and dancing are also practised for entertainment. On this festival , the oldest member of the family worships their respective gods and prays for the deceased relatives offering various delicious food.
About Thakali

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Can chief justice "Regmi", be able to end up with justice??

Chief justice Khil Raj Regmi has been appointed as the chairman of the Interim election government (i.e can be said as the prime minister's post). In fact, he has become the 36th prime minister of Nepal.

Beside the protest of 22 political parties ,including Mohan Baidhya CPN-Maoist,leaders of the major political parties managed to agree on 11-point agreement on Wednesday night to form an election government headed by Chief justice Regmi.President Ram Baran Yadav administered the oath ceremony while the top politician of the 4 major parties witnessed the function.

Nonetheless,Chairman of the Interim Election government Regmi will have no authority to take a decision that will have a long-term impact.As the Regmi regime will have only have the responsibility to organize the constituent assembly election and a day to day administration .

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Japanese Premiere Of Salman Khan's Ek Tha Tiger In Tokyo

The bollywood blockbuster "Ek Tha Tiger" starring Salman Khan and Katina Kaif became the first Bollywood movie to be officially released on a commercial basis in Japan. Not many people here in japan are aware about Hindi cinema but Nikkatsu(a Japanese distribution and production house )is managing to make Bollywood movie accessible with Japanese subtitle.

The films will hit the theatres here on April 20, releasing in 30 prints in nine major cities in Japan including Osaka, Kyoto, Sapporo and Kobe. Nikkatsu has tied up with Yash Raj Films to release Bollywood movies including Ek Tha Tiger, Don 2, 3 Idiots and Jab Tak Hai Jaan here in Japan.
Previously, I saw the Bollywood movie poster Robot starring Rajanikanth and Aishwariya Rai Bacchan's in Japan(which is very rare) but this time , it seems like the demand and craze of Bollywod movie has spread in even more in Japan.

Hey, are you guys ready to watch some Bollywood movie in Japan?
Take a look at the Japanese Premiere Of Salman Khan's Ek Tha Tiger In Tokyo

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Facebook is unveiling a redesigned News Feed soon....

Since 2009,facebook hasn't been updated, it's now the time that the facebook will launch design for its central page, the News Feed, at an event Thursday. The main news feed will be presented into categories, with different content to target the different facebook user and separate them off into dedicated feeds.
Take a look at news feed yet to come

wanna join waiting list!! huh??

Chhurim Sherpa has climbed up Mount Everest twice within a week.

Yup Yup yup, one more Guinness World Record for Nepal. Last week Guinness World Records formally recognized the 29 years old Chhurim sherpa for her achievement. What was her achievement??? Is it that she was the youngest mountaineer to climb mount Everest or is it that she climbed up by herself or without oxygen??? If you are thinking the way I have mentioned, then i must say no,no ,no.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Yak Nepal India restaurant opening soon ..

Yak the Nepali restaurant heartly welcomes all of us to visit their restaurant and experience the unique Nepalese hospitality. The new restaurant is opening soon form march 15th at 東京都東久留米市中央1-18-20 (i.e. Tōkyō-to, Higashikurume-shi, Chūōchō, 1丁目18−20). Interestingly , the owner of the restaurant is one of my colleague from my school. so, this is a small notice for everybody about the opening date of the Yak Nepal India restaurant.
Yak Nepal Indian restaurant always heartly welcomes their customer for birthday party or for any reservation and customer can contact straight to their number at Tel:05013027953 Customer can also directly contact to their receptionist in Tokyo higashi-kurume-shi chuo 1-18-20 Yak Nepal India restaurant.For busy customer , Yak Nepal has provided online reservation system where the management team will respond the mail with in an hour.
For more information
Visit yaknepal.com

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nepal's 2014 AFC challenge cup journey ends here...

The goalless match with the Palestine result's Nepal out of the AFC challenge cup 2014. Even though the Nepali team played with lots of effort but the effort couldn't turn out into a goal. As the number of chances fail to turn out into a goal, Nepal had to play goalless draw with Palestine. Palestine guarantees their place in the final round but

Monday, March 4, 2013

Bangladesh defeat Nepal by 2-0

yet another distressing moment in Nepalese football history as Bangladesh defeats Nepal by 2-0. Motivating game from the first match with Northern Marian island, Nepalese fan had lots of high expectation with the team, but unfortunately, the expectation went down at 25th minute when the Bangladesh got penalty for the foul made by Biraj maharjan inside the D-box.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Nepal manages 6-0 victory over Northern Mariana islands.

With the first intentional hat-trick of Bharat khawas, Nepal managed to have 6-0 win over Northern Mariana islands. In the first day of the second match Nepal kept dominating the field from the very beginning when Bharat khawas scored the opening goal at the 4th minute of the first half.The day was just a superb day for Bharat khawas as he manage to score goals in the 4th ,41st and 72nd minutes. similarly, santosh shuakala,Raju tamang and Sandip rai scored at 30th,60th and 67th minute respectively. overall, Nepal dominated the match and finishes the 90 minutes with plenty of goals.
Nepal will meet Bangladesh on march 4(Bangladesh lost their first match 0-1 with Palestine today). Well , Bangladesh and Palestine has been assumed as the tough competitor in this qualifying match.

Nepal vs Northern Mariana Islands match review.
Nepal took a lead of 1-0 at 4th minute ,Bharat khawas scored at the very beginning of the first half of the game .No doubt that the starting goal at the very beginning helped Nepali player to get more motivation to play on. Santosh saukhala was the second player to double the lead at 30th minute of the first half.Just after the goal by santosh saukhala ,Bharat khawas doubled his individual goal at 40th minute ,giving Nepal 3-0 lead.with the 3 goal on the first half , Nepal kept dominating the field as they were pressurising the Northern Mariana .Nepal lead the score board by 4-0 at 60th minute when Raju tamang manage to transfer the Penalty shot into goal.Nepali team didn't just stopped at 4 goal until when the 25 yard long distance shot kisses the opponents net .Sandeep rai added 1 more goal at 66th minute. Bharat khawas luckily manage to have first international hat trick in his football career at 71th minute. overall Nepal finishes the first day match dominating the field with plenty of goals.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reschedule match list of AFC challenge cup Group D qualifier

An important update about AFC challenge cup group D qualifier round, As I have mentioned in my earlier post about AFC Challenge cup Qualifier 2013 - Nepal . All Nepal football association (ANFA) has changed the time schedule of AFC challenge cup group D qualifier round due to some technical problems . The date and venue of the matches will be according to the pre-planned schedule , but, only the time to start the match has been reschedule to 14:05 hrs. and 17:05 hrs. Qualifier group D matched will be held at dasarath stadium on 2nd,4th and 6th march.
In the mean time , the Red Bull Martyrs’ Memorial ‘A’ Division Super League will start from March 8 on Tuesday. I guess the Nepali football fan have lots of interesting match to be watched in upcoming days .
Reschedule match list.
Date Match Time Venue
March 2nd Palestine Vs. Bangladesh 2:05pm Dasarath stadium
March 2nd Nepal Vs. Northern Mariana Island 5:05pm Dasarath stadium
March 4th Northern Mariana Island Vs. Palestine 2:05pm Dasarath stadium
March 4th Nepal Vs. Bangladesh 5:05pm Dasarath stadium
March 6th Bangladesh Vs. Northern Mariana Island 2:05pm Dasarath stadium
March 6th Nepal Vs Palestine 5:05pm Dasarath stadium

My best wishes for Nepali football team . Sincerely praveenhirachan.blogspot.com

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Make your own app

Ever wonder about how app work or had willingness to create one of those app,like in your smart phone ?? appmakr.com brings you an easiest way to create your app, no trouble of writing complicated coding or no need to have deep programming concept. Appmakr.com helps you to create your free app or you can even create app with extra features with the premium membership .
If you are making an app to deliver content from your blog or video from your YouTube channel , Appmakr.com is a best option for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone platforms . Although the app developer in Android and window app registration are for free but the apple app iOS Developer has to pay $99/year.
For more information, go to

Saturday, February 23, 2013

AFC Challenge cup Qualifier 2013 - Nepal

Football mania, yap, Nepali football fan had lots of chances to watch interesting matches this year(2013). Matches from the Red Bull A Division League to the stunning 11th Aaha Rara gold cup and simara gold cup. But however, none of those local matches would be more interesting than the international matches organized upon our own home ground. Yes, I am certainly talking about AFC Challenge cup Group D qualifier .
Nepal has been sorted up with Bangladesh, Northern Mariana Island and Palestine in group D. The qualifier round has been scheduled from March 2nd at Dasarath stadium, Kathmandu.
Match schedule:
Date Match Time Venue
March 2nd Palestine Vs. Bangladesh 2:30pm Dasarath stadium
March 2nd Nepal Vs. Northern Mariana Island 5:30pm Dasarath stadium
March 4th Northern Mariana Island Vs. Palestine 2:30pm Dasarath stadium
March 4th Nepal Vs. Bangladesh 5:30pm Dasarath stadium
March 6th Bangladesh Vs. Northern Mariana Island 2:30pm Dasarath stadium
March 6th Nepal Vs Palestine 5:30pm Dasarath stadium

Thursday, February 21, 2013

AppGratis - 1 free app a day and huge discounts on paid apps

If you ever had the problems in selecting good app for your iPhone, iPad and iPod or wonder about the price list and don't know which app to buy??? No problem, AppGratis is one of those app which can change your app seeking habit and it is absolutely free.
AppGratis is an app that tells you about other free apps but only one per day. Every single app are hand-picked and tested thoroughly, so i guess there must be some worthful and cool app.Most of the apps are those that usually cost money but the AppGratis somehow manage those costly app to be free on that day. Moreover, it's not about the one free app on daily bases but you can find other costly apps on huge discounts (up to 90% off) .
If you guys are bored with the unnecessary push notification from other app, let me make you clear that the AppGratis sends only one unintrusive push notification a day. And with that one push notification per day, it shows the one free app and list of other discounted app (sometime 90% off).
Well, if you find the AppGratis as an impressive or a desire app for your iPhone, you can download straight form the link mention Below.
Download AppGratis

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